The current outbreak of corona COVID-19 virus continues to present risk and worry to everyone and businesses worldwide. AB, like everyone are mindful of how we can help minimise the risk of spread and continue normal day to day services during this force majeure pandemic.AB team members will endeavour to ask landlords, vendors, applicants, viewers, tenants, contractors, residents of our managed blocks, visitors to the office, and visitors to properties whether they have travelled recently, had any cold, flu, coronavirus like symptoms or whether they have been in contact with anyone who has, before they visit the office / properties, or before the AB team, contractors or 3rd parties carry out viewings, site inspections, property visits, works, AGMs and residents meetings or other. Please advise AB, if the occasion arises where you need such services and you believe you might put others at risk, or you/family members are self-isolating. Our business – in the event that AB team members need to self-isolate we have a flexible working policy. We have IT / cloud systems in place that will aid working from home, and a new cloud telephone system so AB can continue business as usual working flexibly and remotely. Below are some links to public health and government advice websites to help keep you and your families informed. NHS World Health Organisation Thank you from the AB team. |