On Saturday 28 March the Government published a comprehensive, non-statutory guide for Tenants and Landlords. This answers several questions with regard to rent, mortgage payment holidays, notices, court proceedings for evictions, property access and health & safety obligations during the Corona outbreak. This 21 page guide is full of Q & As and we recommend that all our Landlords and Tenants take the time to read it. Read the guide here.
PropertyMark (whom we’re members) published on the 26 March a comprehensive guide to the various schemes announced for local businesses re paying wages, accessing grants and cost effective loans. Collating all the information available at the time, PropertyMark have incorporated information that applies to businesses across the UK as well as funding available to those working specifically in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Read it here.
These guides and schemes could change as time goes by. We endeavour to pass on information as we receive it.
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